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What is a Pinterest Board Cover?

A Pinterest Board Cover is an image that acts as a front cover for your collection of Pinterest pins. Pinterest will pick a pin image as your cover if you don’t pick one yourself. 

Why bother with a Pinterest Board cover?

Why Bother with Pinterest Board Covers? Think of it like that odd shop on your high street, with the weird mismatched clothes in the window and the dusty ornaments. You are highly unlikely to want to step into that shop.

Contrast this with the beautifully styled Louis Vuitton shop window, where every element has been carefully placed, colour coordinated and styled. Let me in!!! Your Pinterest board covers operate in the same way for your pinned content.

You should consider creating a Pinterest Board cover because they will make your account: 

  • More appealing 

  • More professional

  • More likely to attract followers

  • More likely to get people to click into your boards

  • Make it easier for people to navigate your content

  • Solidify your branding style

  • Give the impression that you curate and care for your account

If you have taken the time to make a board cover, then it indicates that you’ve taken the time to create quality content too! 

These are all subliminal clues that your account is worth following. 

Your board covers operate in the same way for your pinned content. 

You don’t have to set one, but if you are regularly pinning other people’s content, your boards will very quickly be an amalgamation of all these styles. Your brand identity will very quickly become diluted. 

Examples of Board Covers on Pinterest

I love the very simple designs of these three accounts. All use just single blocks of colour with font matching their brand style. but they are stand out and help unify the profile page.

How to Create a Stand-Out Pinterest Board Cover with Canva

Here are a few guidelines to help you create a stand-out board cover.

Image + plus colour banner + text and remembering to use the rule of thirds.

Imagine your image is cut into thirds.

Then, all the rule of thirds says is to keep your elements in one of the thirds and the most important the intersections.

Why not use an online graphic tool like Canva Pro to create your graphics. This is an easy to use platform that requires no graphic design skills.

To create your own board cover just click on create a design > Custom size.

You want to create a square image that is at least 600 x 600px so type in those dimensions and then click on create new design.

You can either click on one of Canva’s templates as a starting place, or just start designing. Use the colour swatch to pick your brand colours.

If you are on Canva Pro, then you can upload your own brand fonts – if they don’t already exist in Canva.

To use the rule of thirds, go to File > Show Guides and File > Show Rulers and divide up your image into thirds vertically and thirds horizontally.

Now you can see exactly where to position your elements for maximum effect.

Screen shot of a Canva image creation tool. Example of using the rule of thirds in a Pinterest Board Cover, created using Canva Pro. Image of a girl with pink hair with the text "My Company-Services"

How to Upload a Pinterest Board Cover

Once you have created and downloaded your board cover from Canva, you need to upload it to Pinterest.

If you already have a board created take a note of the URL. Open up your board and go to create new pin.

Upload your board cover graphic, remembering to add in your title and description and keywords. For the URL, enter the URL of your board that you noted down.

Now if people click on your board cover pin, they will be taken straight to your Pinterest board. 

Go back to your board and select edit your board and “set board cover.” Select the board cover you just uploaded.

All done!

Here’s a quick tutorial to show you how to do it below.

If you already have a pin as a board cover, then you can easily change it.

Just go back to your board and click on the three dots next to the name and select “Edit Board.”

Then just pick the new image.

If it is a new image, then you will need to upload this as a new pin in order to select it as a cover.

I hope this has been helpful and that you are proud of the final results!!

Why not pin me for later

If you want more Pinterest strategy tips – why not follow my dedicated Pinterest board here…