
Do you regularly post links to external sites from your Facebook Business Page?

Facebook want you to stay on their platform and engage with their content and constantly posting links to external content – especially poor content – could affect your reach.

So as an alternative, why not try this great tip I learnt from Mari Smith.

Boost your post!!

A boosted post is a Facebook post that you can add money to get it seen to a wider audience in the Facebook Feed.

The difference to a Facebook ad – is that it doesn’t appear anywhere else (e.g. Instagram Stories, Instant Articles, Messenger Ads).

But the main benefit – in terms of links – is that boosted post lets you add a hyperlink or another button action as a link to the post.

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Select from the following options:

  • Book Now

  • Learn More (for a hyperlink

  • Shop Now

  • Sign Up

  • Get directions

  • Send Message

  • Send WhatsApp Message

  • Call Now

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The minimal cost you can set up a boost for is £0.72.

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However, after your Boosted post has been approved, you can pause it, before you spend any money!

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This works as of June 2021, but I’m sure Facebook will get wise to this.