Are you gearing up for an exciting event and wondering how to effectively promote it on social media?

Whether it’s a product launch, a conference, a charity fundraiser, or a local meetup, promoting your event effectively on social media can significantly boost your reach and attendance.

#1 Feature your event

Facebook Events are a fantastic tool to create buzz around your event. Create a dedicated event page, add all the essential details, and invite your followers.

Example social media event posted on Facebook

Just add in your start date and times and whether it is in person or a virtual event.

You’ll also be able to add a description of the event. Make sure you include some benefits in the description to entice people to attend.

Once you’ve created your event, Facebook will make it a featured post on your company page as well.

Encourage attendees to share the event with their friends, increasing its visibility.

#2 Create a countdown posts

Create countdown posts on your social media platforms. This can be as far in advance as you like.

I love these countdown videos from Speciality Fair 2023. Each post showcases an offer or freebies attendees can expect.

1 days to go National  Snow Week. Promote event on social media.
Garden Show Ireland countdown posts.
Mind and Spirit Festival Olympia London - social media event promote.

I like Camp Bestival’s counting down in sleeps! This is perfect for their family audience.

Camp Bestival social media event post. 50 sleeps to go. Festival.

In each post, why not share more and more information about what attendees can expect?

On Instagram, you can also add “Reminder” to your posts. When visitors tap “remind me” they will get three notifications from Instagram.

  • An activity feed notification 24 hours before the event
  • An activity feed and push notification 15 minutes before the event, and
  • An activity feed and push notification at the time of the event.

Even better, if you create more posts, you can “Add reminder” again and use your existing reminder for your event.

#3 Use your contributors

Do you have influencers or industry experts related to your event? Why not get them on board to collaborate with you?

Collaboration posts on Instagram means your post is jointly authored by you and your collaborator. It gets shown in both feeds and to both audiences!!

This was the tactic of Garden Show Ireland. Using a few influencers to showcase the event until the big day

They could do a takeover of your Instagram/Facebook Stories for a day too and give their perspective.

You could also do a series of live interviews with your contributors, sharing tidbits of their keynote speeches. Or catch up with contributors to find out what they’re looking forward to.

If you have sponsors, collaborative posts are a great way to showcase them and reach new audiences.

Why not feature some of your key contributors and pin your posts to your profile?

Take a look at this speaker profile from the London Book Fair. It’s been done as a carousel and showcases his work.

Pro Tip: Share graphics for your event and even suggested social media posts that your contributors can use.

#4 Showcase behind the scenes

Share behind-the-scenes content on platforms like Instagram Stories and Facebook Live. Allow your audience to see event preparation, behind-the-scenes rehearsals, and team discussions.

#5 Run a competition

Contests and giveaways are fantastic tools to generate buzz and interaction.

Attractive prizes, such as free tickets or exclusive event merchandise, can help to incentivise participation.

If you create a social media contest linked to your event you can make the price of entry to like and comment on your post, with additional points for sharing the post!

#6 Create sneak peek videos

Short teaser videos can capture your audience’s imagination. Produce teaser videos that highlight key moments, guest speakers, or anticipated performances.

Share these videos across your social media channels to ignite excitement and curiosity among your followers.

#7 Go live

Live streaming is a potent way to engage your audience in real time.

Try out platforms like Facebook Live, Instagram Live, or YouTube Live to broadcast event-related content. You could try live Q&A sessions with speakers, and virtual tours of the event venue.

Encourage viewers to interact by sending questions in advance.

Pro Tip: Schedule your live on Instagram and it will preview on your profile.

Need more insights or further guidance on promoting your event on social media?

Check out my course “How to Promote Your Event on Social Media.”

How to Promote Your Event On Social Media online course


👉 Module on how to announce your event on social media channels.

👉 Module on planning your content and content ideas.

👉 Module on how to boost your discoverability – including Facebook Event Ads.

👉 Module on using scheduling tools to save you time and effort.

👉 Module on LIVE coverage. How to prep, what to tell your photographer, how to write social media briefings, what to live post and LOTS of inspiration and examples.

👉 Module on post-event coverage. What to post after the event to keep interest going and capitalise on that engagement.

👉 Module on analytics – how to measure your success and present your findings! 🚀


👉 Step by step guides on how to create highlight videos with Canva

👉 Checklists & templates

Get started today – How to Promote Your Event on Social Media.